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    i got you moonlight什么歌 Levitating的歌詞

    來源:懂視網 責編:小OO 時間:2022-10-08 23:11:08

    i got you moonlight什么歌 Levitating的歌詞

    1、i got you moonlight 是歌曲《Levitating》。2、歌詞。If you wanna run away with me。I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride。I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm。Where the music dont stop for life。Glitter in the sky glitter in my eyes。Shining just the way I like。If you feelin like you need a little bit of company。You want me I want you baby。
    導讀1、i got you moonlight 是歌曲《Levitating》。2、歌詞。If you wanna run away with me。I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride。I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm。Where the music dont stop for life。Glitter in the sky glitter in my eyes。Shining just the way I like。If you feelin like you need a little bit of company。You want me I want you baby。

    1、i got you moonlight 是歌曲《Levitating》。


    If you wanna run away with me

    I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride

    I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm

    Where the music dont stop for life

    Glitter in the sky glitter in my eyes

    Shining just the way I like

    If you feelin like you need a little bit of company

    You met me at the perfect time

    You want me I want you baby

    My sugarboo Im levitating

    The milky way were renegading

    Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

    I got you moonlight youre my starlight

    I need you all night

    Come on dance with me

    Im levitating

    You moonlight youre my starlight

    I need you all night

    Come on dance with me

    Im levitating

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    i got you moonlight什么歌 Levitating的歌詞

    1、i got you moonlight 是歌曲《Levitating》。2、歌詞。If you wanna run away with me。I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride。I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm。Where the music dont stop for life。Glitter in the sky glitter in my eyes。Shining just the way I like。If you feelin like you need a little bit of company。You want me I want you baby。
    • 熱門焦點



